Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A New Book About the Polygamy Reference

Craig Jones, the lead litigator for the government of British Columbia is publishing a book about the recent polygamy reference entitled "A Cruel Arithmetic: The Case Against Polygamy".  It is intended for the general reader, and will be published soon by Irwin Law, Canada.

Jones writes about  "the argument he and his colleagues developed against polygamy, drawing from fields as diverse as anthropology, history, economics, and evolutionary psychology. Yet he shows that it was ultimately the testimony of real people that showed how the theoretical harms of polygamy’s "cruel arithmetic" played out upon its victims."

1 comment:

  1. As someone who has been involved for years in the bitter battle to bring polygamist Winston Blackmore to justice for sexually exploiting underage girls, I look forward to buying this book. Craig Jones' presentation to Chief Justice Robert Bauman during the hearings in 2011 was brilliant. He said what women fighting for women's equality in Bountiful have been saying for years, but he said it more eloquently. We cannot thank him enough, and look forward to the day when concubines and harems in Canada will be no more. Polygamists should remember that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states in sections 15 and 28 that women have equality with men. Polygamists should also remember that the year is 2012 AD, NOT, REPEAT NOT 2012 BC!
